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self care candles soapfullness

Why Buy a Self-Care Candle? Luxury Handmade Soy Candles

Fall in Love with our Self-Care Candles

Our Self-Care Candles are made to allow you to carve out some you time. Time where you can sit back relax with a good book or indulge in a rather divine hot bath.

Self-care isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity.  At Soapfullness we understand how hard it can be to carve time out for to rest and reset. That’s why we have created our self-care candles.

We want to help support you in making simple steps which aren’t demanding or unrealistic, so that you can get some down time to help you feel less run into the ground and more refreshed.

Our luxury soy candle range is made for this purpose.  Made in small bathes we ensure high quality candles which are divine and certainly the perfect self-care candle. This is why we call them self-care candles as well as luxury soy candles.

We adore our self-care candles and we hope that you will do too. Made with soy wax, blended with essential oils and an added splash of colour to make them uniquely beautiful. We keep our self-care candles as natural as possible.

With their gorgeous looks and divine enticing smells they are ready to help you have some ‘you’ time. Our self-care candles are ready for you to fall in love with them and to become centrepieces in your home.

To us a self-care candle is about allowing yourself to have moments of stillness and peace as you take a deep breath and reset.

Our self-care candles can be used for a variety of reasons and in a variety of ways which we will discuss.


What makes a Self-Care Candle?

We believe that making simple little switches that it can help improve your mental and physical health. Small changes can lead to big things.

We are different to those mass-produced candles that you can pick up for a couple pound in the shops. Why?

At Soapfullness, everything about our self-care candles is thoroughly thought out. From the concept to the creation to the curing process and everything in between, our candles aren’t a quick manufacturing process to produce yet another candle.

 A lot of time, thought and dedication goes into creating and producing these luxury self-care candles. The minute that you burn your self-care candle, we want you to fall in love with it.



Producing self-care candles takes time and patients. A mass-produced candle can take minutes to produce, where as our candles take weeks.  So why is there difference?

Firstly, we don’t use paraffin waxes. Paraffin wax is a by-product of the petroleum industry and can contain unpleasant chemicals which can be an irritant.

At Soapfullness we use Soy wax in our self-care candles.

Soy wax is a natural product which is environmentally friendly and comes from renewable resources. This means that it doesn’t emit unwanted chemicals. It provides long and clean burns which will considerably outlast a paraffin wax candle.   

We blend our candles with essential oils. Just a quick google and you will realise the health benefits that essential oils can produce, which is why we use them in our self-care candles. We Love essential oils.

Time and patience is vital in creating the most beautiful uplifting and refreshing blends. It isn’t as simple as pouring the fragrance straight into the candle.

We allow our essential oil blends to combine together for over a week before they are poured into a self-care candle. This ensure that all the essential oils bind together really well so that they are ready to create the most beautiful aromas.


There is no denying it, we adore colour. Colour is beautiful and we do our best to reflect this in our candles so that they are ready to become centrepieces in your room.

This can be more time consuming when it comes to hand made candles, but it makes it so worth it.

We believe the aesthetic look of your candle helps bring a positive feel to your room.

Our self-care candles are inspired by our natural environment and this is reflected by the colour and the essential oil blends.

Each candle is hand poured in small batches to ensure uniqueness and high quality. We then allow our candles plenty of curing time.

Curing is such an important aspect to candle making. It allows the wax and oils to bind together so when you come to burning your candle, it will smell simply amazing.

If the curing process is skipped out on, it is highly likely that it won’t provide beautiful aromas as the oils and wax wouldn’t have had time to bind together. It is an important part of the self-care candle making process.

The costs in producing a self-care candle are considerably more. We source the ingredients so that we can make you the best luxury self-care candles possible.

We keep our candles are as natural as possible and vegan friendly. Biased, but we believe our self-care candles are just simply divine.

Let’s think about super market chocolates vs hotel chocolate. Do you automatically link hotel chocolate with high end luxury?

Hotel chocolate produce divine Artisan chocolates. Super market chocolates just don’t compare. Whilst there is a price difference, the quality of hotel chocolate is far superior.

To us, we compare super market candles to our artisan self-care candles. Time, love, dedication alongside high quality ingredients go into producing our divine self-care candles ready to be loved.

Your purchase also makes a big difference to a small artisan business such as Soapfullness.

Every order is not just another swipe of an item, it is an order which is hugely appreciated and makes a big difference to a small business such as Soapfullness.

What are the benefits of buying a Self-Care Candle?

Our self-care candles continue soy wax which is a natural wax and does not contain any nasty chemicals such as carcinogens which can damage your health.

Soy wax also produces the most beautiful scent throws and lasts much longer than paraffin wax.

Essential oils have an array of health benefits from promoting better sleep, to improving focus and concentration, reducing stress and anxiety to name but a few health benefits.  

Essential oils can impact your mood, motivation and emotions, which is why we call them self-care candles.  Essential oils are compounds extracted from plants. The oil captures the plant’s scent and flavour, or essence which makes it naturally unique.

Inhaling the aromas can stimulate areas of the limbic system which affects your emotions, behaviours, sense of smell and long-term memory. This is why smells can trigger memories or emotions.

The limbic system also controls unconscious physiological functions such as breathing, heart rate and blood pressure. This is why it is believed that essential oils can affect your well-being.

Our self-care candles are produced to help create a positive environment. An environment which is inspired by our natural world.  An environment which is good for both our physical and mental health and well-being.

Why make time for Self-Care?

Self-care is paramount to your physical and mental well-being. it is reported that 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year.

Furthermore, 1 in 6 people experience common mental health problems like anxiety and depression in any given week in England (Mind, UK).

We aren’t claiming self-care is easy. There are so many daily pressures coming from so many different sources, that actually making some ‘you’ time can be extremely difficult.

Our aim with our self-care candles is to allow you to slide in a positive product which aims to have a positive impact into your daily living.

 So, if you can’t go for a walk because the children are in bed, then why not sit down with a beautiful self-care candle and get lost in a book?

Having a self-care time is so important. 


Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure

Why are Self-Care Candles important for Self-Care?

Not just beautiful on the outside, but gorgeous on the inside our self-care candles are made to be loved.

Watching the flame softly flicker away whilst you naturally enter a trance like state provides mindful moments and allows inner stillness. Something we don’t get enough of.

The peace of watching a candle softly flicker away is beautiful and mentally refreshing.

Take some deep breaths and enjoy some peaceful and still moments whilst you watch your candles flame.

In 2016 the journal Scientia Pharmaceutica published a study which reported that there are ‘about 300 active olfactory receptor genes are devoted to detecting thousands of different fragrance molecules through a large family of olfactory receptors.’

The aromas from our self-care candles are very beautiful and can help have a positive effect on mood, stress reduction, emotions and cognitive performance because they are blended with essential oils.

By introducing a self-care candle into your environment, you will be creating a space which positively stimulates your senses.

Life is busy and everything around us can feel very fast paced. We need time for self-care and slowdown from the busyness in our lives.

Self-care is about doing things that you enjoy and which make you feel good. Things which make you feel refreshed and rest. Things that benefit either or both your physical and mental health.

It can be really hard to make the time for self-care and we fully recognise this. Our products are made so that you can have little luxuries which can make you feel good and enjoy using. They can be used in conjunction with self-care strategies and routines.

So how can you incorporate a self-care candle into your self-care routine? Here are our 5 suggestions:

Taking the time out to have a bath is so therapeutic and a great way to take care of your body and mind.

Alongside relieving muscle pain and tension in your joints. The warm water will help you slow down and allow you to process any thoughts and gain some clarity.

Adding a self-care candle into the mix will certainly allow you to relax and enjoy the bath much more.

Not only will you get the therapeutic benefits of a bath but you will also get the olfactory experience which will make it much more enjoyable (we believe any way!).

Just remember to ensure that you follow candle safety advice and ensure that your self-care candle is placed on a stable and safe surface.

2. Switch off Reading a Book or Listening to a Podcast

There is nothing like getting lost in a book. Being transported away from your inner thoughts as you get lost in a story, which can help you reset.

Reading books can help improve memory, reduce stress, build self-esteem, help improve empathy, and allow us to dive into our imagination and creative side.

Podcasts allow our minds to be stretched. They allow us to focus on new and engaging thoughts and take our minds away from any internal distractions.

Podcasts are a great self-care strategy where we can learn, develop and allow our thoughts to be challenged.

We can challenge ourselves with new concepts and ideas whilst opening our self-up to self-development at the same time. It’s a big win.

Self-care candles are great to include into these self-care routines.

Imagine that feeling of hygge as you get lost in a good book or learn new things through a podcast with the most beautiful aromas wrapping themselves around you.

Different hobbies provide different levels of self-care. By learning a new hobby, it can provide moments of inner stillness where those wondering thoughts get focused on learning a new skill.

The great thing about learning a new hobby is that you are upskilling yourself. You are creating and achieving.

Yes, there will be moments of frustration, but it allows you to focus and concentrate and overcome challenges.

New hobby ideas could be knitting, felting, Crocheting, sewing, making clothes, playing an instrument, nail art, baking, cooking or learning to invest to name but a few ideas.

Burning a self-care candle whilst doing a new hobby at home is a great way to create a positive environment which smells amazing.

Our sense of smell is strongly linked to our memories. So why not learn a new hobby and create a beautiful smelling environment and link the two together for some good memories?

That hit of endorphins, it’s a great way to feel good about yourself. Exercise is a great outlet for any daily frustrations and it can take you mind off any frustrating thoughts.

Exercise also has the physical benefits of cardiovascular activity as it burns calories and releases endorphins which have a role in reducing stress and helping to manage depression.

It can also help pain conditions and nurture a healthy lifestyle.

The benefits of exercise include improved sleep, clarity of your mind, having more energy for the day, speeding up your metabolism, improve blood pressure, cholesterol and sugars.

Exercise can also help to maintain a healthy weight and positive body image.

Incorporating a self-care candle into your exercise environment can really boost your motivation and make it a great environment to work out in.

With a range of different aromas, it is important to pick one that you want that you love.

For us at Soapfullness, we enjoy fresh invigorating aromas when we work out. Inspired by the beautiful refreshing smells of the garden, The Garden + Reset candle is a perfect self-care candle for this purpose.

The blends of Eucalyptus, Lemon and Lavender aromas are just uplifting and refreshing.

Over the past few years more and more people have flexible working patterns and are able to work from home a lot more.

Incorporating a self-care candle into your working day is a fantastic way to create a great working environment.

We fully support ensuing that you are having breaks and going for walks where and when possible, but sometimes this isn’t fully possible.

Having a self-care candle can make you feel more energised, focused and clear headed. It can create an environment that you are happy working in and there fore it can potentially improve your productivity.

We only recommend burning a self-care candle for 4 hours at a time. If you think you will be using a candle for longer than that, then it is recommended to get an extra self-care candle or two.

Alongside candle safety reasons it is also because you will just get use to the same smells after a period of time and won’t recognise the benefits.  

Our self-care candle range is growing and we will incorporate lots of new aromas and candles as we grow.

Self-Care Candles

At Soapfullness this is why we make the products that we do. We know time can be a bit tight but we are strong believers in Health is the Greatest Wealth.

It’s the small things which can make the biggest difference to our lives.

Our products allow you to switch out traditional every day products such as soaps and candles to artisan products which aim to help promote and enjoy self-care.

Self-care can be hard. There are so many daily distractions and stresses that making some ‘you’ time is hard to make a priority.

Small simple changes can have a big impact and we hope that through our ever-growing product range that we can help you make small changes to make a positive difference.

♥ Self-Care Candles are Made with 100% natural Soy Wax.
This means that our self care candles are non-toxic, strong scent throwing, clean burning.

♥ Our Self-Care Candles will last up to 35 Hours.

♥ Our Self-Care Candles range is blended with essential oils ready for you to reap the benefits

♥At Soapfullness we do our upmost to use recycled and recyclable materials for our packaging.

Devon Wax Melts – Handmade in Devon

Soapfullness Self-Care Candle Shop

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